Thursday, July 2, 2009

Saturday (6/27/09) – Bus Ride from Caracus to Barquisimeto

After a nice breakfast of coffee, juice and local assortment of pastries at a coffee shop a few blocks from 委京華人浸信會, we departed at 9:15am (local time) to Barquisimeto. Barquisimeto is about 5 hours from Caracus by bus. The picture on the left showed us in front our pretty, red, "luxurious" bus. We sat in the upper deck on the first row. The ride was very enjoyable. The 5 hours seemed to be minutes. Before we knew it, we arrived in Barquisimeto around 2:30pm.
We originally planned for Tim to take the same bus the next day. However, we felt we needed the cash in case of emergencies (sorry Tim) and instead purchased a ride for the bus on the right for Tim. The bus company assured us the bus runs well and has many miles to attest to that. We felt this is a good test of our faith and prayed for Tim's safe arrival. As you all know, Tim arrived safely.
How would you have handled this situation? Would you have done the same?

Friday night at 委京華人浸信會

Thanks to the hospitality of the local Chinese Baptist churches, we spent Friday night at 委京華人浸信會 (Iglesia Bautista China de Caracas) in Caracus, Venezuela before leaving for Barquisimeto. The picture was taken in 委京華人浸信會 with brothers and sisters from the local churches. The lady in the white shirt (holding a box) is Mimia Wong. She is our travel agent. Mimia shared with us how God’s provisions are more than we ever can ask for. She mentioned that she had to contact a different department in order to issue a new ticket for Christina. See the post on “Why did the Delta agent at DIA asked Christina to pay an extra $350?” for more background information. When she called, the manager happened to be in the office. She explained our dilemma with Christina’s ticket. The manager was very understanding and accommodating. He said “for you - this one time only” and approved the ticket reissue. Mimia asked him about any processing fee. The manager replied “don’t worry about it.” Praise the Lord time and time again for always opening the way for us to do His work!