Thursday, July 2, 2009

Saturday (6/27/09) – Bus Ride from Caracus to Barquisimeto

After a nice breakfast of coffee, juice and local assortment of pastries at a coffee shop a few blocks from 委京華人浸信會, we departed at 9:15am (local time) to Barquisimeto. Barquisimeto is about 5 hours from Caracus by bus. The picture on the left showed us in front our pretty, red, "luxurious" bus. We sat in the upper deck on the first row. The ride was very enjoyable. The 5 hours seemed to be minutes. Before we knew it, we arrived in Barquisimeto around 2:30pm.
We originally planned for Tim to take the same bus the next day. However, we felt we needed the cash in case of emergencies (sorry Tim) and instead purchased a ride for the bus on the right for Tim. The bus company assured us the bus runs well and has many miles to attest to that. We felt this is a good test of our faith and prayed for Tim's safe arrival. As you all know, Tim arrived safely.
How would you have handled this situation? Would you have done the same?

Friday night at 委京華人浸信會

Thanks to the hospitality of the local Chinese Baptist churches, we spent Friday night at 委京華人浸信會 (Iglesia Bautista China de Caracas) in Caracus, Venezuela before leaving for Barquisimeto. The picture was taken in 委京華人浸信會 with brothers and sisters from the local churches. The lady in the white shirt (holding a box) is Mimia Wong. She is our travel agent. Mimia shared with us how God’s provisions are more than we ever can ask for. She mentioned that she had to contact a different department in order to issue a new ticket for Christina. See the post on “Why did the Delta agent at DIA asked Christina to pay an extra $350?” for more background information. When she called, the manager happened to be in the office. She explained our dilemma with Christina’s ticket. The manager was very understanding and accommodating. He said “for you - this one time only” and approved the ticket reissue. Mimia asked him about any processing fee. The manager replied “don’t worry about it.” Praise the Lord time and time again for always opening the way for us to do His work!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tim safely Arrived in Caracus Saturday Night!

Tim arrived safely in Caracus Saturday night and is currently on a bus to Barquisimeto. He got on the bus this morning at 9:15am (local time). He is expected to arrive at Barquisimeto around 2:30pm. Praise the Lord and thank you for your prayers.

Updated on Sunday (6/28), 11:10pm
Tim arrived in Barquisimeto around 3pm local time just in time to join Sunday Worship. Sunday Worship at the Barquisimeto Chinese Baptist Church starts at 3pm.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Why did the agent at the gate in DIA said that we missed our flight?

We almost missed our flight from Denver to Atlanta...

After the Delta agent issued a new ticket and boarding pass for Christina, we only had 20 minutes before the plane departs at 11:05am. In 20 minutes, we had to go through the security checkpoint, take the train to gate C and walk to the gate. We arrived at the gate with only 6 minutes left before the plane takes off. The agent welcomed us with, "you missed your flight" at the gate. Since we did not board at least 10 minutes before departure, we lost our seats. There were two other people after us. The agent said, "take any open seat." There were only 5 seats remaining.

This was our second test of faith. With only 20 minutes before the plane departs, it is impossible to go through the security checkpoint, take the train and walk to the gate. God made it possible! Thank you for your prayers!

Why did the Delta agent at DIA asked Christina to pay an extra $350?

Is it because

A) her overweight luggage of shoes and clothes
B) her upgrade request to first class
C) the agent did not like her look
D) her request for an extra seat so she has room to stretch
E) the agent did not like her name
F) All of the above

Choose the best answer and explain why. Click "comments" link for answer.

STM Arrived Safely!

Praise the Lord! Johnny, Grace, Christina and George safely arrived in Caracus, Venezuela around 9:05pm local time on Friday. Tim will arrive in Caracus on Saturday. Please pray for him.

What is Venezuela's time zone? How many hours is it ahead or behind Mountain Standard Time?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Barquisimeto Baptist Chinese Church







這十多年來,神除感動上述的牧者及教會來幫助之外,神還差派了很多牧者來幫助和指導,中信宣教士梁耀文,前差傳部長劉國安也兩次帶短宣來,溫以壯博士亦來指導幫助。倪秀貞宣教士亦曾於2004年8月至2006年6 月來輔導教會約三年,後返回加拿大了。2007年4月我們更換新堂址,租賃另一處作教會,並開始分中文,西文崇拜。現在崇拜氣氛和質素都較以前改善,也有小規模的詩班和奠拜隊,每主日參加中文崇拜的人數保持有40-50人左右,參加西文崇拜保持15-20人左右,禱告會保持10-15人,西青團契有20人以上。


1. 長期沒有牧者講道,都是由四位未受過神學訓練的信徒擔任,有力不從心的感覺。

2. 門徒訓練,基本上未開展過,沒有專門人作輔導;個人跟進工作也薄弱,又缺乏有效的探訪訓練,在多次佈道會上決了志的人,因跟進不及時,而流失不少。

3. 盼望能有一對熟諳粵語宣教士夫婦前來負責牧養及教導事工,培育信徒和領袖,一同肩負信徒和教會的成長。

About Barquisimeto

Wikipedia link about Barquisimeto:

Wikipedia link about Venezuela:

2008 Barquisimeto STM team blog:

Denver Chinese Evangelical Free Church:

Chinese Christian Mission USA:

Friday, June 19, 2009

2009 Barquisimeto STM team

This is the team picture of the 2009 short term mission (STM) to visit the Barquisimeto Baptist Chinese Church in Venezuela. George, Tim and Christina are members of the Denver Chinese Evangelical Free Church (DCEFC). Dr. Won and Grace are the team leaders from Chinese Christian Mission (CCM) USA. This STM team is gracefully organized by Dr. Won and the coworkers of CCM. DCEFC is sponsoring three members to partake in this mission. We are leaving Denver on June 26th and coming back to the States on July 7th.

We need your prayer:
Please pray for our physical and spiritual health. May God bestow his power and love to us so that we can rely on Him alone to serve in Barquisimeto. Help us learn to serve Him humbly and let Him use us to do His work, never ours. Not to glorify ourselves but solely in glorifying him. Pray for those whom we are going to meet. May the Holy Spirit opens their hearts for Jesus Christ to come in and take control. Give us the heavenly wisdom what to say and what not to say. Say only what is helpful for building up others and no unwholesome talk. Love and respect our brothers and sisters though they might not have the same backgrounds of us, because we are one body in Christ. Protect and deliver us from any harms and attacks from the evil one. May God strengthen us, protect us and guide us.